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The Bill Walton Show

Oct 29, 2018

TBWS35 2018_09_26 Benko Nammo - Why do 53 percent of millennials prefer socialism to capitalism? Probably because they don’t know what socialism is and neither does Bernie Sanders and others who embrace it. But how bad can it get? Democrats might be moving further to the left but it’s absurd to compare them to Marxists, right? My podcast guest, Ralph Benko, says you might be surprised at how similar their beliefs really are.

While Marxism never got much traction in the U.S. his ideas are still infiltrating our society through strategies developed by Antonio Gramsci. How much can the thoughts of an obscure Italian socialist who died in prison almost a century ago really matter today? A lot. They’re helping socialists gain power in the U.S. every day by infiltrating many of the institutions that impact our daily lives.

Learn just how this is working and how high the stakes are on my new podcast with Ralph Benko and David Nammo.